About Us
Why Compliance?
Why the name Triton?
In Greek mythology, Triton was the messenger of the ocean, who could calm the seas.  He raised Athena, goddess of wisdom, craft, and war. When the Argonauts were in peril or stranded, Triton appeared several times to show them how to navigate through dangerous shoals or escape the desert.
Compliance, as a stand-alone discipline, helps organizations operate with integrity. Done properly, it is a value-add that helps achieve objectives.  Effective Compliance is not about gotchas or box-checking, but rather, finding, fixing, and preventing recurrence of regulatory, policy, or ethical problems. 
Because other disciplines— like audit, law, risk management, or governance— also consider such problems, Compliance often overlaps with these areas.  While they can and should collaborate, developing and maturing a Compliance program is an endeavor independent of these functions. Triton is an organization of and for Compliance professionals, available to advise and support your Compliance efforts.

Quick Facts about Triton Compliance, LLC
Triton is a consulting firm specializing in compliance:  compliance programs, remedies for non-compliance, and the decisions executives have to make on compliance issues.  Our firm offers particular expertise in the compliance challenges that emerge under federal grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts.  
  1. Woman-Owned Small Business
    We understand the challenges confronting small firms and organizations.
  2. Training Provider
    Satisfy continuing education requirements or pursue professional development with personalized training.
  3. Practical Assistance
    When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. We blend business, legal, and real-world expertise to provide practical solutions for complex challenges.
About our Founder
Jennifer Lavoie, our founder and President, established Triton Compliance, LLC, to help clients make informed decisions about complex challenges. Years spent working at the intersection of government and private industry uniquely position her to share practical advice that enables strategic investments in compliance program improvement.  ​​

Ms. Lavoie is particularly interested in compliance with federal programs.  Over a decade in service in the U.S. government, she gained expertise in the financial transactions—contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and others— the federal government uses to implement these programs.  Immediately before founding Triton, Ms. Lavoie served as Senior Advisor to the Suspending and Debarring Official at USAID.  As a trusted advisor, she counseled on compliance issues, enforcement actions, and complex operational challenges. Ms. Lavoie has authored policy and overseen the creation of regulations.  Previously, Ms. Lavoie helped to establish USAID's Compliance Division, where she was the Agency's subject matter expert on assistance appeals; in 2013, she served as Acting Division Chief for Compliance.  Ms. Lavoie's first role at USAID was in the A&A Ombudsman's Office, where she provided alternative dispute resolution and contributed to procurement process improvement efforts.  Prior to her federal positions, Ms. Lavoie worked on international development/rule of law programs in Cambodia and Liberia.

Ms. Lavoie has also previously served in the Office of General Counsel at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of the Navy, at NAS Pensacola.  Before joining the federal government, Ms. Lavoie represented indigent clients seeking Black Lung Disability benefits before the Department of Labor.  And, before her federal service, she supported the in-house counsel of a non-profit hospital group.

Jennifer earned her Juris Doctor from Washington and Lee University School of Law and is a member of the Florida Bar.  She holds a Master of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Management, in addition to undergraduate degrees, from the University of Florida.  Jennifer is a Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional and also has Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting.  Her numerous distinctions include appointments as a Presidential Management Fellow and National Merit Scholar, as well as recognition for Meritorious Civilian Service from the U.S. Navy,  Superior Accomplishments from USAID, and Distinguished Service from Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
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